3 de febrero de 2016

UC & CS statistics IAB - International 2015

Dear UC&CS GLOBAL Associates:

With great joy, we send you the last edition of the IAB-INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTING BULLETIN, World Survey 2015

This Survey shows the following about UC&CS:

UC&CS AMÉRICA is the 23rd Network, worldwide, with:
. Growth of 300%
. 18% of Revenue coming from Accounting and Auditing
. 58% of Revenue coming from Tax Advisory
. 24% of Revenue coming from Management Consulting
. 3,907 Staff
. 232 Partners
. 3,342 Professional
. 333 Administrative
. 176 Offices

UC&CS GLOBAL is the 21th Association, worldwide, with:
. Growth of 251%
. 24% of Revenue coming from Accounting and Auditing
. 72% of Revenue coming from Tax Advisory
. 4% of Revenue coming from Management Consulting
. 4,051 Staff
. 251 Partners
. 3,447 Professional
. 353 Administrative
. 188 Offices

In the North America Region, we are the Number 25th Association

In LATINAMÉRICA, we are the Number 2nd Network and the Number 1 Association, where
UC&CS is consolidated as the most important Group of Firms.

In Europe, we are the Number 25th Association

In Africa and the Middle East we are the Number 23rd Association

In Asia Pacific, we are the Number 24th Association

Congratulations to all of you!

Yours very truly

MBA Mauricio Mobarak
World Council President