14 de marzo de 2017


Dear UC&CS Global Independent Members:

Enclosed, you will find the IAB WORLD SURVEY 2017, with 2016 year end data, about the World Groups, Networks and Associations, showing for UC&CS Global, each day and year passing, a better postion, that embraces our daily efforts, to postion ourselves, as a candidate, very soon for the TOP 10 of the Firms, even in Latin America, Mexico and in many Latin countries, we have achieved that position.

Most important data on the Survey is shown as follows:

186 US millions in total revenue
25% Growth this year
23% of Auditing and accounting services
74% of Tax and Legal services
3% of Consulting Services
2,188 Total Staff
233 Partners
1,635 Professional Staff
320 Administrative Staff
186 Offices
Network Number 23-Globally
Network Number 6 in Latin America
Network Number 27 in Europa

Network Number 23 in NorthAmérica

UC&CS GLOBAL - Association
239 US millions in total revenue
23% of Auditing and accounting services
73% of Tax and Legal services
4% of Consulting Services
2,334 Total Staff
254 Partners
1,739 Professional Staff
341 Administrative Staff
190 Offices

Association Number 18 Globally

Association Number 1 in Latin America
Association Number 21 in Europe
Association Number 21 in North America
Association Number 21 in Asia Pacific
Association Number 19 in Middle East
Association Number 19 in Africa

About the Global Numbers, we can identify the following:

Big 4 have a 66% market share
Next 6 with  15%
The rest- 19%
Our Firm is in the NEXT 6 Group, in Latin America

Average revenue of all Firms-Networks and Associations, same as the Big 4 share is:

41% Auditing

24% Tax
31% Consulting
4% Others

Countries with outstanding growth, in their profesional services revenue are:




Global Growth- 4%

Asia Pacific 6%
Europe 2%
LatinAmérica decreased 8%
Middle East decresead 2%
Africa decresead 9%

I want to congratuate each of you, because having all the diamonds in one single jewell,we have created with you, all the Affiliated and Independent Members of UC&CS GLOBAL, a
Market Positioning very strong, which will lead us to increase the flow of Referrals and the Credibility of our Firm.

Yours very truly

Mauricio Mobarak G., MBA
World Council President, UC&CS Global

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